Sports Updates

Wednesday 21 December 2011

Studying the Provinces and Capitals!

This is a great website to study the location of all of the provinces and territory locations on a map of Canada. As well the capital word scramble is a good way to memorize the capital cities of these wonderful provinces!

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Procedural Writing

Our next Language Arts unit is how to write a text to inform the reader on how to something or make something! Procedural writing is a task that involves steps and descriptive words so that anyone can complete the task at hand. We will be writing an instruction manual, recipe and science experiment during this unit to prove we are awesome writers!!! Good luck guys and if you make these Sweet potatoes let me know and bring some in! They look delicious!

Thursday 3 November 2011

Summary Grade 6 FI

This is one of the best movies and scenes of all time! But please be careful not to include all of the details and make sure to state the main idea of the scene. Hint: What is Jack trying to do? You must include the details that are necessary for a complete summary of the scene and not add to many. Hint: This clip has a lot of details so be carefull! Good luck and make sure to look in your notes from class to help you summarize this great movie scene!

Wednesday 2 November 2011

New Star Strategy for November: Predicting

Can you predict who this is and what he has done in this world to make it a better place?

Predicting can be used to help readers pick a book or make an educated decision on a person or book title. Students can use pictures, book titles and other features to help them predict what a reading may be about. This month students will be getting their Home Reading put in their duotangs backwards. This gives them an opportunity to predict what the biography is about before they read it. Good luck!

Tuesday 18 October 2011


We are starting to learn how to write summaries. This video clip was used in class to teach the students the components of a summary. The clip illustrates  how stories can be condensed to show the main ideas and a few details. This amazing clip summarises the famous Star Wars movies into 5 minutes of film from about 11 hours of total film time.

Thursday 13 October 2011

Home Reading Program

Our Home Reading Program is starting to take off! This week we were close to having 100% reading rate at home. As a class we are targeting are Jacques Cousteau biography reading to have a 100% return rate. Good luck and keep improving in the area of reading. Success starts with the ability to read!

Friday 16 September 2011

Learning to make fuzzy writing more focused.

Today in class we watched a funny, but boring movie clip in class from the famous Ferris Bueller's Day Off film. The students had to add some details and emotions in their rewriting of the scene to create a more focused writing piece. The students used descriptive words such as the frustration and boredom of the students during the attendance taking. Overall Great job guys and remember to focus all of your writing pieces to make a quality descriptive picture in the readers mind.

Thursday 8 September 2011

Star Strategy: Question?

The first start strategy that we are using this year is the Question strategy. This strategy helps readers by answering the question who, what, where, when & why? When students are reading they can use this strategy of answering the 5 W's to help them have a better understanding of the text. The following clip is from Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure and the students did a great job at answering the 5 W's. Who: Famous people from history, What: They were causing chaos because they were misplaced in time, Where: the mall, Why: They did not know how to interact with the people of today. When: 1990's. Great Job guys you are off to a great start!

Tuesday 30 August 2011

Assignment # 1

For assignment # 1 students must reply to my post by creating a comment stating their favourite sport and professional sports team. The purpose of this assignment is to allow students an opportunity to find the website and post a comment.

Good Luck!

Mr. Benner

Welcome to a new school year!

I welcome you to my class and I am excited to have the opportunity to get to know you guys better throughout the school year. We will be having online discussions and postings on this website and you will be able to find the links to all of the videos and activities that are seen in class. I hope you are excited about the upcoming school year and are ready to rock the classroom!

Mr. Benner